How to install pubg mobile on pc
Minimum requirements for pubg mobile on pc
Pubg mobile is a very popular game and the craze of this game is on people from the day this game was launched. Many of the player play it on mobile and many of them uses pc or laptop to get bigger screen and better control. There is official emulator available for the game and many other emulator are in the market to choose from. The official emulator comes with many benefits and best key mapping for the game.Tencent launched the official emulator to play pubg mobile on pc. The emulator is around 400MB ~ 500MB in size. You have to download this emulator and then you are all set to install game and play.
There are many more games available to play on this emulator like free fire, arena of valor , ludo , candy crush.
- Tencent Gaming Buddy download size - around 400MB ~ 500MB
- Game download - 1.9 GB ( optional if you have game installed in mobile)
Minimum requirement for emulator / pubg emulator
- Processor - Intel / AMD @ 1.8Ghz
- Ram - 4 GB
- GPU (Graphics Card) - Nvidia: 8600 GT/9600 GT, AMD: HD2600/3600, Intel: HD 3000/4000
- OS - Windows 7/8/10
Game loop the new emulator for pubg mobile - Previously the emulator was named Tencent Gaming buddy and now the new emulator is name Game Loop it comes with many benefits. Pubg Network Acceleration is the best things added to this emulator it reduced the ping. If you have good internet connection than you can play the game with 20ms ~ 100ms.
How to download and install Game Loop ( Best emulator for pubg mobile )
Step 1 . Visit the website - Game loop Download
Step 2. Click on download and download the setup it is arond 10MB in size.
Step 3. Install the emulator by following the steps.
Step 4. When game loop is installed it will download the AOW engine which is around 500MB in size
Step 5. If it is not showing the game the go to in more games / game center and find the Pubg Mobile and download it. If you have pubg mobile latest version in mobile then you don't need to download the game again. I will write new post on how to play pubg mobile without downloading it again on stay tuned.
Step 6. Now you are ready to go. But before playing adjust you setting for the better and lag free experience. You can adjust the settings from the given menu as shown in fig.
You can adjust setting as shown in below fig. if it lag then just decrease the setting. You have to tweak your setting until you find you best match for a lag free experience.
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