Fortnite: Visit different public service announcements signs in Neo Tilted, Pressure Plant or Mega Mall.
Fortnite the public service announcements signs are the challegnes for week 10. |
Fortnite the public service announcements signs are the challegnes for week 10.
Fortnite players will be searching for public service announcement signs in Neo Tilted, Mega Mall and the Pressure Plant.The players need to find the 5 public service announcemnet to complete the fortnite season 9 week 10 challengs.
Neo Tilted has six public service signs while both the Pressure Plant and Mega Mall have seven.
For this challenges, fortnite players need to stand near the signs and wait a few moments as they switch between the warning sign and the more motivational public service announcement.
Fortnite Season 9 Week 10 leaked chllenges
- Damage oponent with shotguns
- Search 7 ammo boxes in single match
- Use an air strike in diffrent matches
- Visit different public service announcement signs in Neo Tilted, Pressure Plant, or Mega Mall
- Stage 1: Collect Wood from a Pirate Ship or Viking Ship (100)
- Stage 2: Collect Stone from a Fork Knife or Umbrella (100)
- Stage 3: Collect Metal from a Robot Factory (100)
- Eliminate opponents in Pleasant Park or Paradise Palms (3)
- Damage opponents with a pickaxe (200)