Pubg Mobile infection mode gameplay review | 0.14 Update

As we all know Pubg Mobile always bring new updates with new features and game modes to surprise players. Today on August 14 Pubg Mobile bring us the update 0.14 with infection mode. I as all other pubg players eagerly waited for the update and I kind of disappointed with the Infection Mode so here I am going to write a review of infection mode pubg.

Pubg Mobile Infection Mode Review : should you play this mode ? 

pubg mobile infection mode
Infection Mode


The infection mode update is about 800MB in size on play store (as I downloaded it) and it changes the UI of the home page of pubg mobile. There are so many new features , new rewards and bug fixed in this update. You can find Infection mode in Evo Ground Mode.

As all other zombie modes this infection mode also disappoints me there is not that much fun in it. It is new that's why there are lot of players playing it but in the end as I think that I will never playing this mode again because there is no fun I guess many of the other player too think.

Pubg Mobile Infection Mode Game play 

The infection mode divide the player into zombies and defenders randomly. Then zombies have to convert as defenders into zombies as much as possible. If all defenders become zombie, zombie wins otherwise the mode enters in the second phase where zone shrinks and defender only have sword and they have to survive till the clock hits 00:00.
There is three round of this and in each round player are divided into zombies and defender randomly, the best thing in the mode, The next player standing by you can turn into the zombie or you turn into zombie is the most surprising moment. Zombie can revive in first zone but can not revive in second zone. There are booster for zombies to get full health.There is three phase of a zombie as the zombie convert the defender into zombie there ability increase and at max they turn into super zombie.There is two types of zombie speed zombie and stealth zombie you can choose any type of zombie when you revive.So in short the main points of infection mode
  1. Player randomly get divided in zombies or defenders.
  2. Two types of zombie are there and each zombie have three level, zombie player can level up as the turn defenders in zombie.
  3. As the zombie level increases the abilities increases.
  4. Defenders have two AR, AKM and M416 which can fire 60 bullets in one round.
  5. There is two rounds of survival if there is a tie then there is a third round
  6. All players are ranked on there damage and kills.
The game play of pubg mobile infection mode is quite good but there are some drawback of being a zombie like you can not run fast if the defender is shooting you from the front and you have to near of so close to the defender to turn him into a zombie.If the defender is sitting on the high box then he can easily survive the last zone which is so frustrating as a zombie.

What I think is good and not good in pubg mobile infection mode ?

  1. The Random division of player in zombies and defenders is good thing because if you join with your friends, then you can be zombie or defender and can kill each other which is only available in custom rooms.
  2. Being defender is best thing as I played the infection mode, because defenders have AKM and M416 which are best AR of pubg mobile and zombie need to touch you to get infected so if you stay on high boxes and in groups then zombies can not do anything.
  3. There is also one drawbacks of zombie that if you hit them on the face or from front they slow down.
  4. I played the infection mode on both mobile and emulator the mobile game play is good but on the emulator I faced the problem that the keys are not working properly, I was only able to walk , run and hit but I was unable to climb, jump and to use zombies or defenders special ability, even after I changed the key mapping and checked all other things, hope they soon fix it.
I played the pubg mobile infection mode but not find this mode but satisfy, in each match every playing is complaining about the game play, but there are big changes in Team Death Match, I will write another post on whats new in pubg mobile update 0.14 till then Happy Gaming.

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