Pubg mobile 0.13.5 update release date, size, new weapon,rewards, HDR mode and everything you need to know

Pubg mobile 0.13.5 update is here with PP-19  bizon new weapon, new rating protection cards, HDR graphics and much more.

Get ready for the new pubg mobile update 0.13.5 as pubg mobile announce the new pubg mobile update will be available to download (in-game) from 16th July. Every pubg player is asking like

pubg mobile 01.3.5 update pp-19 bizon tier protection cards

Pubg mobile new update release date?

pubg mobile new update weapons?

and what is new in pubg mobile update 0.13.5 

pubg mobile 0.13.5 update size?

all question answered here, get ready for anT amazing update for pubg mobile with season 8


Pubg Mobile 0.13.5 update size - 181 MB for iOS

Pubg Mobile 0.13.5 update size - 158 MB for Android

Pubg Mobile 0.13.5 relase date - 16th July

  • New PP-19 bizon smg weapon
  • TPP add to team deathmatch room mode
  • Tire protection cards
first of all the pubg mobile season 8 is here with new rewards and outfits take a look at our post for the pubg mobile season 8 leaks and rewards - Pubg mobile season 8 rewards and leaks

Pubg mobile 0.13.5 brings new weapon PP-19 Bizon

This new pp-19 bizon  is a smg rifle  which uses 9mm ammunition. This pp-19 bizon will only be avialble in Erangel Map and Vikendi Map. the pp-19 bizon will use magazine of 53 rounds.
The capacity of this gun can not be extends using attachments.
The pp-19 bizon can be ocupied with red dot , holo to 6x scope.
All muzzle accessirues like smg flash hider , smg suppresor , smg componcetor  can be occupied by pp-19 bizon.

The single shot damage of  pp-19 bizon is 35 and the firing rate is similar to UMP 

New Rating and Tier Protection Cards

New rating protection cards will be available after the pubg mobile 0.13.5 update, when a pubg player will use the card the rating of player will not deduct when the card is active. In my opinion this is a good thing for player. Because it is very sad when you get killed just after landing ( can be because of not finding gun or lag) and get a -30 to -40 deduction in rating.
These rating and tier protection card will only be available or crown tier of below. So if you are in ace tier play is safe and don’t get you rating decrease.

New Graphics setting or HDR Setting in graphics mode

The high frame rate is added to HDR mode for high end device. So if you have a high end mobile or a greate computer (in case of emulator player) you can try this feature.

Improvements in update 0.13.5

  1. New items in bp-shpo for prime subscriber incluing season 8 passes mission card and more
  2. UC purchase bonus screen has been tuned. Reward have been also updated.
  3. Title visual effects have been improved.
  4. Some mythic outfits are now shown with weapon drawn.

 Season 8 updates 

  1. Season interface has been redesigned to make it more intutive and fancier.
  2. calssic mode results screen has been adjusted.
  3. Rating and tier changes are now more visible on the screen.
  4. Season 8 rewards have been adjusted.
  5. The entire outfit of season 8 is available at gold tier.
  6. You will get a weapon skin after reaching dimond tier.
  7. From the leaks I can say the dimond tier reward is AWM Skin.
  8. Special team joining effect can be obtained after reaching crown tier.
  9. name tags are also reward for crown tier or above.
  10. On reaching ace tier you will get a permanent season tier. aka "Season 8 Ace".
  11. Rewards will now be automatically sent to player at the end of season.
  12. The ranking system's algorithms has been tuned to  slightly increase the weight of kill points, so kill now have a higher impact on tier.
  13. tier transfer message or tier promotion message has been updated.
  14. Tier icon have been improved.
  15.  To celebrate the first anniversary of royal pass, pubg mobile launching some season 2 and season 3 events again. player can get these rare items in rank rewards and redeen crates.
  16. New friend request feature also there.
I will more news about pubg mobile 0.13.5 update as soon as possible.
Happy Gaming

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